Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 7, 2007

The Roving Eye

The Roving Eye ---

He has been a staff at one of the top law firms in Midtown East for a couple of years. He is known as the roving eye staff attorney. He spends his billable time expressing his distrust of contract attorneys by physically guarding the temps (sitting and hanging out with them) or calling on the phone one of his boys to fully brief him on the environs and the in and outs of other temps. His pet friend---a tall lanky, and bitter middle aged player has been responsible for the firing of many good contract attorneys who have by some reason or another annoyed the pet friend or broken the rules by being on the phone too long, writing e-mails in front of him or being too frank about current events and political views. The pet friend, in return for longevity on the project will report every one including his so called friends.

At one point, roving eye became so arrogant and full of himself that he spent most of the day talking about a good looking woman stopping traffic along a known East Side Avenue. Forget being pc or creating a hostile work environment--he did not care, he was too excited throwing his status around. It has been rumored that he let go of a friend or did not call him back to work at this famous place because the former friend, made more money than him in investments and that pissed roving eye off. Wow, what fragile ego and what a power trip.

It is also common knowledge that roving eye and pet friend were let go of a gig because they acted in concert in eyeing women and creating an all boys club, frat house environment at a midtown firm. Anyone who knows about the actual event at this firm, will not make it at the new joint where roving eye is now a permanent employee. If you come across him, you will know who he is--his roving eye gives him away besides his gray temples. He will also use famous phrases in the form of rags:

1) do your work

2) show up on time

3) keep your head down

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