Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 7, 2007

Health Care Reform Time

After seeing "Sicko," I was drawn back to the Moshe Kanovsky story. Something really needs to be done about the uninsured/insured in this country, specifically those who are struggling with expensive mental health issues.

After Moshe Kanovsky graduated from Cardozo, burdened by student loans, trying to piece together a series of part time legal jobs, and without adequate health coverage, Kanovsky struggled to find the funds to treat a debilitating psychological disorder.

His financial situation was dire. He was open about the fact that he could not afford the best psychiatric care and ended up seeing a "multitude of doctors," one friend said.

"You get what you pay for," the struggling intellect would tell his closest friend when discussing the quality of his therapy.

Moshe Kanovsky tragically committed suicide on April 13th. Didn't we owe something more to someone who worked so hard, played by all the rules, and spent so many hours providing free legal assistance to members of the Lower East Side?

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