Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 4, 2009

Attorney Work In India


CHANNEL 13 PBS - THE NEWS HOUR - WED - 4/8/09 - c. 7:35PM

The captioned segment highlighted HYDROBAD (sp?) - India's new high-tech sector.

An Indian woman Attorney [name/firm appear on camera], who apparently had just returned from ten years of legal practice in the U.S., was interviewed relative the recent opening of her Firm - QUIZ LEX (sp?) - in a building named SILICON TOWERS.

In essence she represented that five years of Indian legal education is the equivalent of an American legal education; that her employees make the equivalent of one-fifth of an American attorney performing similar work; and that the nature of their work is document review.

Perhaps you will consider contacting the local NY-based PBS affiliate - Channel 13 - to obtain a copy of the referenced broadcast package; request an opportunity to weigh-in on the issue and/or post a comment on THE NEWS HOUR web-site.

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