Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 4, 2009

Ithaca NY Lawyer Explains the Unwritten Law

One of the wonderful things about working in a college community is the diversity of people I have the opportunity to interact with and help. In any one week I have clients from Russia, Nigeria, India, and Nebraska. Sometimes it can prove challenging to explain the laws, and more importantly their application here in Upstate New York.

Many people are under the mistaken impression that knowing the law is most important. I have many bright and intelligent people over the years tell me that they read the law, and know their rights. So much of what we do as DWI defense attorneys comes down to interpretation and application of cases. This case law is dynamic, and it's ability to affect outcomes ever changing.

In fact the Village and Town Courts, especially in the smaller venues have their own way of proceeding. There is the unspoken, "that's the way we do it around here," law. How a Judge takes cases or how a District Attorney views different charges can vary by county and by area. I often tell clients never to compare their case or situation with a friend from another state, county, or from 5 years ago.

The widest revamp of the current DWI laws occurred in 2006. The legislature created new crimes, new penalties, and new applications of the law. They abound like a minefield, and I seriously question the sanity of those that try to dabble in this area.

This is 2009, and last year I took my daughter to have four teeth removed, and it was not by a Generalist Dentist, I took my wife back and forth five times to Syracuse because a Lasik eye surgeon came highly recommended, and I sought out the services of a real estate attorney when I had an issue in that area. We are living in the age of highly specialized knowledge, training, and experience.

In fact, living beneath Cornell University and Ithaca College exposes me to more and more people moving in the direction of sub-specialties and sub-sub-specialities. The world is becoming filled with people who study the depths of their fields. They may be obtaining a Phd in Physics but their true understanding is of Sub Atomic Particle Accelerators.

I want my counselors to be expert, and focused in their respective fields. I love practicing criminal defense law, especially drunk driving defense, because it allows me the ability to grow and learn within a well defined niche. Afterall, how many fields can you practice within where as you age (and are losing your fight with gravity) you can still improve as a professional based not only on experience but on a life's wisdom?

Dr. Lawrence Newman
Doctor of Chiropractic
Attorney and Counselor at Law

504 North Aurora Street
Ithaca, NY 14850


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