Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 4, 2009

The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth

I am a Geek and proud of it. I love Yoda, Star Trek, Star Wars, non-fiction books (ie. philosophy, psychology, sociology, relationships, etc.), studying ancient cultures, watching documentaries about bridges, canals, buildings, cities, ... well you get the picture. I know absolutely nothing about players or teams. I have no interest in watching any sporting events, like Monday Night Football.

What I am is a Geek who is obsessed with learning and understanding everything about the things that interest and fascinate me. My parents watched in amazement as I took apart radios and my toy cars. I wanted to know how things worked. When I was a teen I fell in love with magic and photography. I spent hours upon hours practicing magic, reading magic books, attending magic conventions, and performing magic shows. By the age of fourteen I invented a trick, and had it published by one of the largest magic dealers in the world, Tannens of NYC. I had a darkroom in my basement and would takes hundreds of pictures of everything large and small. I would spend days developing, enlarging, and creating photographs of icicles in trees. My older sisters said I was too intense. They thought my obsessive behavior was a bad thing.

I was not popular or cool. I was a short, curly haired, little guy, with braces who loved to read. A recipe for getting beaten up, especially in Brooklyn. Well that little boy grew into a highly educated man. But I am still am obsessed man, with a love for the law. I awake each day with an inspiration to improve my practice in the area of DWI criminal defense. I want to know all the details of the inner workings of the breath machine. I want to pour over every word and every box in each piece of paper seeking creative defenses. That burning desire to know about how things work has been focused, directed, and transformed. Life mastery and practice mastery are at the forefront of my mind. People do not really change who they are inside. Now, I am merely a DWI Geek.

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