Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 4, 2009

Joan King Did It Again, Allegedly

"As many of our readers noted, Brooklyn’s part-time program was missing from the new Part-Time Rankings. Our readers further claimed that Brooklyn’s LSAT spread did not match up to the school’s combined program LSAT spread.

Our readers were correct. The LSAT spread found on the US News Rankings (162-165) matches the full-time spread found on the Brooklyn Law website (162-165). It does not look like the part-time spread (158-160) was factored into the new rankings. According to the latest LSAC data sheet, Brooklyn’s full-program LSAT spread should have been 159-164.

Currently, Brooklyn is sharing the 61 spot with a cluster of other schools. A one or two point shift in their overall score would drop the school 5-10 places in the rankings.

So, did Brooklyn game the rankings by not including their part-time program for consideration? Probably. We emailed every dean listed on the Brooklyn website; we will update this post if any respond."

I am sure this is all one big misunderstanding. The administration at BLS would never submit fraudulent US News stats, even though Joan King won last year's Beastly Behavior Award on this very blog for submitting skewed post-graduate career stats to US News just two years ago. Swindling law schools, indeed!

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