Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 7, 2009

Admitted Attorney Going Rate - $10 An Hour

Hi Tom,

I worked as a temp for about 4 years and now I have been unemployed
for about 6 months off and on collecting unemployment.

Yesterday, I applied for a job on craigslist for an attorney
position in queens. I will attach the part of the email with out my
name as to save myself embarrassment as I know people who read your
blog. $10 a fucking hour, I could make more working at McDonalds.

"Dear Candidate,

The starting salary is $10 per hour, $15 per hour overtime, but
will increase upon demonstration of capability. If you are interested,
please email us back the dates that you are available for an interview
this week.

Wang Law Firm"

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