Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 7, 2009

Angry Lady

"Charlotte Gelfand (
Sent: Mon 7/13/09 10:23 PM

Dear Tomthetemp,
I think your article on David Gelfand is disgusting. Mr. Gelfand is a respectable lawyer in New York, and most likely one of the highest ranked lawyers in New York as well. You have no idea what this man is like, and your sitting on your computer coming up with these nasty, untruthful accusations and putting them up on the internet. Mr. Gelfand is a very kind, intelligent, funny man, who cares about his partners and fellow employees at Milbank. Get your facts strait before you write another FALSE story.
Yours Truly,

Dear Diane,
I apologize if you were offended by last year's David Gelfand posting. Your right, I have no idea what this man is like. While I agree with you that what was written was certainly nasty, I disagree with your assertion that it was in anyway untruthful. The posting merely repeated reporting conducted by Above the Law claiming that Milbank and Mr. Gelfand were less than forthcoming in their disbandment of their staff attorney program. While all this was going down, I merely commented on the fact that I found it curious that Milbank was contemporaneously attending conferences and instructing other organizations on how to best outsource legal services to low-cost, foreign labor centers. Certainly, it can't come as a great surprise that such a story would generate a firestorm of nasty comments on a blog populated by former, laid off staff and contract attorneys. Again, I apologize if any of my readers offended your sensibilities.

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