One positive note in all of this horror is that word is finally getting out about the law school scam machine. Let's hope that as the economy recovers these numbers plummet even further.
"Law school applications were up overall this year, but they didn't surge the way many had predicted. Conventional wisdom holds that more people seek out graduate programs during bad economic times to avoid a tough job market. According to the admissions council, law school applications increased nationally by 4.3%.
"We certainly haven't seen the double-digit increases we saw in past recessions," said Yellen, who theorized that the high cost of law school and the news of law firm layoffs might have dissuaded some people from applying." - New York Law Journal, 07/06/09
Tom check out the turd on craigslist.
3-5 years pharma experience for the old $35 shitrate. Unreal.
How many registered nurses, engineers, pilots, dentists, or MD's resort to begging for sub-poverty level shitjobs on craigslist just to eat? Make no mistake, the recent death of doc review was a watershed in this industry. The Seton Halls and Brooklyn Law Schools of the world have no where left to stick the hordes of angry, desperately indebted losers. Just think of the old days of the Hudson Newark ghetto gig, the Paul Weiss cockroach gulag, and the Vioxx petri dish. Those thousands of second-tier and lower grads who once clicked out semi-decent paychecks are now cast into the gutter with no worthwhile experience (and no jobs available even if they did have "experience"). Schools know that the jig is up: Joan King recently exited stage left and now the Valvoline Dean Pat Hobbs of Seton Hall is sucking around for the NJ AG job if his buddy Chris Christie wins the governor's race. No way these charlatans are sticking around for the coming meltdown. Like oil slicks, they'll wash up on some new beach in a few years with new scams and more insincere, fraudulent posturing.
Even better, in three short weeks the next gaggle of hapless lemmings will sweat thru the bar'zam in Albany and the old Javits Center, regurgitating the useless BarBri drivel on houseburning v. arson and 14th century property law like good little JD's. Then come August they'll burn in the summer heat of the worst legal job market (or job market period)in American history. Shit, both Hudson and De Novo are now only registering people with over a year of coding experience. Small firm insurance defense shitlaw "firms" are getting 100+ resumes for sub 40 K shitjobs that we know have no future anyway. As most veteran coders know, the "experience" card is an old shark's trick, designed to sucker newbie JD's into taking illegal-alien level wages with the empty promise of building "experience." Yet as most of us know, "experience" in insurance defense is like getting cooking experience from McDonald's: one may lateral to Burger King or Wendy's, but you sure ain't gonna be head chef at the Waldorf. Pushing bales of fender-bender shitpaper just leads to more crappy jobs pushing fender-bender shitpaper. Almost 5 years out of school, every friend I have in insurance defense has yet to see 75 K.
Maybe they can try the comical "alumni networking" events. Print a fresh batch of resumes off on that rich, creamy 80 lb cotton weave Staples resume paper, and shove them in the face of every gray-haired, drunken loser at the alumni cocktail hour. I went to one of these for Seton Hall back in 2005 and the assistant dean asked if I'd considered moving to the Midwest because "the NY and NJ markets are pretty saturated." I then asked her why Seton Hall operates a $43,000/yr private law school in NJ if the market has no jobs, and she excused herself to get another shrimp cocktail. Typical.
It's over, kids.
Skadden Farts aka Law is 4 Losers
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