Hey Tom, the mayor of Hoboken, Peter "Scam-arrano," who was arrested today and charged with 5 counts of accepting bribes is a 2002 Seton Hall grad.
Hilarious! He learned fraud and corruption at the knee of master scammer Pat Hobbs, known as Seton Hall's infamous "Valvoline Dean" for his oleaginous, used car salesman persona and shameless molestation of salary/employment data. Scammarao (the Hoboken mayor) even had a Traffic Court Clerkship under his belt!
Watch a few YouTube videos of Cammarano, and right away you'll all know the type: the "gunners" who raised their hand for every case, who fellated the socially inept dork professors and fed their sick egos, the kind of people you always wanted to punch right in the fucking teeth. Have fun in Federal pound-me-up-the ass prison, Scamaranno! Maybe you can help Bluebook briefs for the other sorry cons trying to litigate their way out of stir.
How much you wanna bet he blames his bribe taking as an attempt to pay off massive law school debt? He'll go down hard, though. Unlike Hobbs, who has the criminal enablers at the ABA and NALP stooges covering his tracks, this doltish dork will be hung out to dry all by himself.
This kid should've just followed the other Seton Hall losers on to the document review floor at Barasso and been happy with the $29 an hour shitrate. Document review would be a good prep course for prison life: inedible food, petty and randomly enforced rules, favoritism, ass kissing, and extreme stretches of soul-crushing boredom. Bet the Valvoline Dean is boiling right now at seeing one of Seton Hall's few "rising stars" crash to earth in a flaming wreck! One less "success story" to add to the glossy admissions brochure!
Here are some choice excerpts from the FBI wiretap of Camarrano:
"Defendant Cammarano then stated “this is the way Mr. Schaffer and I both see the world through the same lens, right. In this election, hopefully, we, we, we, you know, we get to the point where I’m sworn in on July 1st, and we’re breaking down the world into three categories at that point. There’s the people who were with us, and that’s you guys. There’s the people who climbed on board in the runoff. They can get in line. . . And then there are the people who were against us the whole way. They get ground . . . They get ground into powder.”
Wow. In true Seton Hall fashion, Cammarano is not only a shiftless crook but a complete mental retard. The undercover agent (a corrupt rabbi) offering the bribes was already under FBI investigation via a deferred prosecution agreement, as a quick Google search would have revealed. And here is Scamarrano taking envelopes full of cash in a diner parking lot and offering quid pro quo on tape to a man who peddled other people's kidneys for profit! This is bush league even for the rancid, festering sewer that is NJ law and politics. Maybe Scamaraano was too busy Bluebooking toilet law review articles and studying Rule of Perpetuites puzzles to catch a few episodes of the Sopranos. This wanna-be gangsta assclown didn't last 30 days in office. Besides that, he had already lied about an out-of-wedlock child from some chick he knocked up at age 18 and had to lie & cover his ass during the campaign. Typical Hoboken hair-gel moron. He better sing like a canary to the Feds or his backside is gonna be thumping like a bass tube at Bar One!
BTW, I believe one of the partners at the "election law" firm that Camaranno worked at is an adjunct at Seton Hall. There's no doubt these "biglaw wanna-be's" at his former boiler room joke of a "firm" will have some explaining to do as well. This kid won the election under suspicious circumstances that involved "missing boxes" of absentee ballots that mysteriously popped up a few days after the runoff election. Voter fraud, anyone? Hopefully that cesspool of a school will somehow be dragged into this mess and embarrassed/humiliated and exposed for the corrupt diploma-mill dump that they are. We cannot rest until the Valvoline Deans of the world do the perp walk right beside the shiftless satan-children they have spawned. The one bright side is that Scamarrano will make more money pressing license plates in the prison foundry than the typcial 'Hall grad ever will as an insurance defender or doc review coder in NYC!
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