Lexolution, paired up with Hogan & Hartson, has been stringing us along with a project we were “selected” for. First, on Friday, July 17th, at 4:30 pm, we were sent the following email:
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to let you know that we are a definite go for Monday. Please come to 750 Third Avenue (b/w 46th & 47th) at 9:00 am. Tell the person at the security desk that you are there for the Lexolution/Hogan & Hartson project, and they will direct you to the appropriate floor. Please remember to bring a photo-identification. The dress code for the project is business casual, but please err on the side of business for the first day. Scott Krowitz and I will be there to greet you.
PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL UPON RECEIPT SO THAT I CAN CONFIRM THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS INFORMATION. Also, please be sure to check your emails throughout the weekend for any potential updates. Many thanks-see you Monday,
Despite, the “definite go” at four thirty, at eleven o’clock that same Friday evening, we received another email telling a different story:
Hi Everyone,
The Hogan & Hartson project WILL BEGIN ON TUESDAY, JULY 21 AT 11:00 AM, not Monday. All of the other information is the same, but it’s repeated below. Sorry to ask you to do this again, but PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL UPON RECEIPT SO THAT I CAN CONFIRM THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS NEW INFORMATION.
Date: Tuesday, July 21
Time: 11:00 am
Place: 750 Third Avenue (b/w 46th & 47th). Tell the person at the security desk that you are there for the Lexolution/Hogan & Hartson project, and they will direct you to the appropriate floor. Please remember to bring a photo-identification.
Dress Code: Business casual, but please err on the side of business for the first day.
Needless to say, the project did not start Tuesday. We were then told it would be Wednesday or Thursday. Then Tuesday night, we receive the following email:
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that it’s not likely that Hogan will start tomorrow (but check your email before you go to bed tonight and first thing in the morning just in case). If you don’t hear from me tonight or tomorrow morning, I will be in touch at some point tomorrow to give you an update.
Thanks again for your patience.
All the best,
And, no, it didn’t start Wednesday. Or Thursday either. See below:
Hi Again Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that I am still waiting for more information from Hogan, but it doesn’t look like it will start tomorrow. They have assured me that the project will start, but the documents are not getting loaded as quickly as they anticipated, hence the delay.
Again, I apologize for this, and appreciate your patience.
Many thanks,
On Thursday, at eleven at night, we received “reassurances” that the “technical problems” would be resolved soon, though we would not be starting Friday:
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to touch base again and let you know that we are still waiting on a start date from Hogan. The client has been in touch several times a day and I do believe the project will start. Hogan is using Attenex, a database they have not used before, for this project, and it seems they are having problems coordinating everything to load the documents, but they fully intend to move forward with the project once everything is figured out.
I understand your frustration (I really do), and appreciate your patience. I think we will have a start date soon. Thanks again for hanging in there.
Best regards,
Late Friday night, Lexolution claimed to have “good news” for us:
Hi Everybody,
Some good news-the project IS going to begin next week. Hogan is going to start people off in staggered groups of 5-10. On Monday I should be able to give you a better idea of exactly when you can expect to start, but please check your email over the weekend in case anything changes.
Thanks again for your patience, and have a great weekend.
Best regards,
We heard nothing over our “great weekends.” On Monday, we learned that both Lexolution and Hogan are indeed full of shit, and the project would not be starting for another couple of weeks, if ever:
Hi Everybody,
I just got off the phone with the people at Hogan, and they expect that it will take at least 7-10 days for the rest of the documents to finish loading. I know this is quite a bit longer than any of us initially anticipated. At this point, I cannot honestly say when the project will be fully up and running, and I don’t want you to miss out on any other opportunities waiting for this. Obviously, it will be great if this works out, but I will completely and totally understand if you need to take something else.
I know it doesn’t help, but I am truly sorry about the delay. I will continue to keep you posted about this project (and any other projects that come in), but I truly understand if you can’t wait anymore.
Please feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have.
All the best,
So, in other words, we have been expected to check our email around the clock for weeks on end, for a project that may not even materialize. Some of us tried to stick it out and give Lexolution and Hogan the benefit of the doubt. You feel like an ass for believing them and turning down other work, or even applying for things, because you are being assured every day that any day you will be starting. Obviously, we can not believe a freaking word either has to say at this point. Regardless of the economy, no one has the right to take advantage of and shit on people this way.
P.S. They were paying $32/hr straight for a mandatory 50-60 hr. workweek.
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